Our Blog.
Shipping Product Integrations
We discuss how to craft a compelling integrations charter and how to execute as a joint team across companies.
Product Management Volunteer Opportunities
In this guide to PM volunteering, we walk through three high-impact ways to volunteer: at nonprofits, at hackathons, and at PM associations.
Diversity in Product: Cassia Trusty
Cassia is an associate product manager at Indeed. She previously worked as a software developer, then pivoted to product management.
Masterclass: Product Integrations
We recorded a new PM masterclass on product integrations.
Real-World Examples of Feature / Product Fit
We share two examples of features to illustrate the concept of feature / product fit.
Implementing the Feature / Product Fit Playbook
We break down how product managers can layer in the concept of feature / product fit to ship more impactful products.