Masterclass: Iterative Product Amplification

Every month, we record a paid class on PM best practices, where our lead instructor Clement covers weeks of product knowledge in 90 minutes or less. This month, we discussed how to amplify the impact of your product by iterating on loops and funnels.

In this recorded class on iterative product amplification, we covered:

  • Why linear product growth is not enough for product managers to succeed

  • How to use AARRR to multiplicatively strengthen your product

  • Why AARRR is a good starting point but cannot serve as the long-term engine of growth

  • The three core components for a product loop to create a virtuous cycle of growth

  • Real-world case studies on how leading companies crafted their product loops, including Slack and Peloton

  • A discussion on how to architect two-sided loops for marketplaces

  • The asymptotic ceiling of any given product loop, and how to test & validate loop hypotheses

Here’s a preview of 4 of the slides from this class (29 slides total):

As a product leader, it’s crucial to invest in your continued growth.

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