Defending Creators in the Age of Gen AI

As a product management educator and author of three books on the subject, I've always valued the power of words. Words are not just tools for conveying ideas; they are the lifeblood of creativity and expression. They shape the narratives that define our world. That's why I've taken a stand alongside thousands of fellow authors by signing the Authors Guild's Open Letter to Generative AI Leaders.

In recent years, the rise of artificial intelligence has brought about incredible advancements, especially in the field of generative AI. These technologies can generate text, mimic writing styles, and even compose stories. They're powered by vast datasets, including books, articles, essays, and poetry, which have been created by countless authors over the years.

While the capabilities of AI are awe-inspiring, it's essential to remember that these systems owe their existence to the works of human authors. They don't just read texts; they copy them into their software and reproduce them. This process, while technically fascinating, raises some crucial questions about fairness and compensation.

Authors, like myself, pour their hearts and souls into their work. We spend countless hours crafting stories, sharing knowledge, and contributing to the rich tapestry of human literature. Our words have value, and it's only right that we are recognized and compensated for the role we play in fueling AI's creative abilities.

The Authors Guild's Open Letter calls on leaders in the AI industry, including companies like OpenAI, Alphabet, Meta, Stability AI, IBM, and Microsoft, to acknowledge the contributions of writers and take specific actions to protect our rights.

Here are the key points highlighted in the letter:

1. Obtain Permission: AI developers should seek permission for the use of copyrighted material in their generative AI programs. This ensures that authors have a say in how their work is utilized.

2. Fair Compensation: Authors deserve fair compensation for both past and ongoing use of their works in AI programs. It's a matter of recognizing the value of our contributions.

3. Empathetic Coverage: Compensation should extend to the use of our works in AI output, irrespective of whether such outputs infringe upon current copyright laws.

Their petition reminds us that the vast majority of books used in AI training datasets originated from pirate sources and websites. It also raises questions about the fair use arguments put forth by AI companies, especially in light of the recent Supreme Court decision in Warhol v. Goldsmith, which cast doubt on these claims.

The challenges facing authors today are significant. Over the last decade, authors have seen a 40% decline in income, and the median writing-related income for full-time writers in 2022 was a mere $23k per year, according to the Authors Guild's income survey. The advent of AI technology further exacerbates these challenges, making it increasingly difficult for writers, especially those from underrepresented communities, to earn a living from their craft.

When writers struggle, it's not just our profession that suffers; it's the entire world. Fewer great books get written and published, and a free, democratic culture relies on a diverse ecosystem where all voices are heard.

I believe in the power of technology to drive positive change, but it must be accompanied by fairness and respect for creators. By signing the Authors Guild's Open Letter, I stand with fellow authors in advocating for a future where writers are compensated fairly and where creativity continues to flourish.

Let's work together to ensure that authors are recognized and valued in the age of AI. It's not just a matter of protecting our rights; it's about upholding the principles of creativity, respect, and fairness that make our world a better place.

Don’t hesitate to add your signature to the open letter, whether you are an author or not. And, apply pressure to your local politicians to drive meaningful action.

Thank you for believing in an equitable world and for strengthening the foundation for creators - writers and artists alike.


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