Returning to Full-Time Product Management

I’ve decided to become a full-time Principal Product Manager for the Wildfire Detection product portfolio at Pano!

The journey from entrepreneurship back to full-time product management is not a traditional path, but for me it’s a deliberate and heartfelt decision. The motivations behind this shift are multifaceted and aligned with my long-term goals.

Below, I discuss the reasons for my transition, the opportunities in my new role at Pano, and how this move enriches my commitment to driving PM education across the world.

Why Pivot Back to Full-Time Product Management?

One of the most common questions I’ve gotten from close friends and loved ones is “why go back to being a full-time employee?”

It’s a good question, and I’ll break it down into a couple of reasons:

  1. Strong personal relationships

  2. A passion for the climate tech space

  3. A desire to hone the craft of AI product management

Let’s walk through each below.

Strong Relationships with Senior Leaders

One of the primary reasons for my return to full-time product management is the opportunity to work with Javi, head of product & design at Pano. Javi is not just a colleague but a dear friend with an excellent sense of humor that has always made working with him an absolute pleasure. Our professional relationship began at Movoto more than eight years ago, where Javi led the charge to convert me from product analyst to product manager.

Javi possesses stellar capabilities in product management. He has a farsighted ability to establish compelling product strategies across a range of verticals, and his strategic insights and innovative thinking have consistently driven product success.

Despite the years that have passed since our Movoto days, Javi and I have maintained regular contact. We regularly share summaries & learnings on a variety of business and product management books, continually learning and growing together. This ongoing exchange of knowledge has strengthened our professional bond and kept us aligned in our approach to product management.

Javi is also an incredible manager who cares deeply about the careers of his direct reports. His dedication to nurturing talent and fostering professional growth is evident in his management style. He is committed to working on humane products that make a positive impact in the world in a sustainable way, a philosophy that resonates deeply with my own values.

Like me, Javi is an ex-founder. His experiences as a founder have provided him with unique insights and a holistic understanding of business and product development. He is a role model for me, exemplifying how one can transition between founding and product management roles while maintaining a strong focus on impactful and meaningful work.

When Javi reached out to me about the opportunity at Pano, it felt like a natural progression to continue a professional relationship that has been consistently wholesome and nourishing. His leadership, vision, and commitment to making a difference were key factors in my decision to return to full-time product management.

A Passion for Climate Tech

Climate technology is a cause that resonates deeply with me. In a world where so many talented technologists are working in ecommerce or adtech, I’m excited to join initiatives where I can contribute to solving pressing human problems with a tangible, physical impact.

The disparity in investment and talent allocation is striking; while adtech and ecommerce receive significant attention and resources, climate tech remains significantly underinvested. This gap presents an enormous opportunity for impact, especially for people driven by a desire to address critical global challenges.

Working on products like those at Pano, which use cutting-edge AI to manage and mitigate the devastating impacts of wildfires, aligns perfectly with my desire to make a tangible impact. Pano’s innovative platform leverages advanced hardware, AI, and cloud-based software to provide real-time actionable intelligence for wildfire detection and response. Each fire detected and mitigated early can prevent catastrophic damage, illustrating the profound impact that well-executed climate tech can have.

My background in leading enterprise B2B productivity platforms at Blend has naturally equipped me with the skills needed to drive product capabilities for government agencies, energy utilities, and large private landowners. At Blend, I honed my ability to navigate complex organizational structures, manage extensive data systems, and deliver delightful & streamlined solutions that meet the rigorous demands of enterprise clients. These experiences are directly applicable to my work at Pano, where we collaborate with diverse entities to enhance their wildfire detection and response capabilities.

Government agencies, in particular, stand to benefit immensely from advanced climate tech solutions. Their mandate to protect public safety and manage natural resources makes them prime candidates for innovations like those provided by Pano. My experience with enterprise clients has given me a deep understanding of how to tailor products to meet the specific needs and constraints of large organizations, ensuring that the technology we develop is both effective and scalable.

Energy utilities and large private landowners also play crucial roles in managing and mitigating wildfire risks. These stakeholders often control vast tracts of land that are vulnerable to wildfires, and they require sophisticated tools to monitor and respond to potential threats. By drawing on my expertise in enterprise B2B product management, I look forward to driving the development of robust, customer-friendly solutions that empower these entities to protect their assets and contribute to broader wildfire management efforts.

My commitment to climate tech is deeply personal; as a Californian, I’ve seen wildfires burn across my hometown as a child. The increasing frequency and severity of wildfires, exacerbated by climate change, pose a direct threat to communities and ecosystems.

By dedicating my skills and experience to developing technologies that can help address this urgent issue, I’m excited to align my career with my values and contribute to a cause that I am deeply passionate about. 

The Excitement of Tackling AI

Given the current focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning, I knew that my next full-time role would be in AI/ML. In fact, in my personal life, I regularly dissect the latest trends and discoveries in AI with my spouse Panpan Xu, Applied Science Manager at Amazon AWS Machine Learning.

(In case you’re curious about what Panpan is working on, here’s her LinkedIn, her portfolio, and her Google Scholar profile.)

AI's potential to revolutionize how we interact with the world cannot be overstated. From enhancing healthcare with predictive diagnostics to revolutionizing transportation with autonomous vehicles, AI's applications are vast and varied. This consistent exposure to the forefront of AI developments has fueled my desire to work in a field where AI plays a crucial role. Pano’s use of deep learning and computer vision to detect, verify, and classify wildfire events in real-time is not only exciting but also incredibly impactful. The ability to apply AI to real-world problems, especially those as urgent and significant as wildfire detection, is both a challenge and an opportunity that I eagerly embrace.

The complexity of AI systems, particularly in the realm of deep learning and computer vision, requires a deep understanding of both theoretical concepts and practical applications. At Pano, we utilize sophisticated AI models to process vast amounts of data from various sources, including ultra-high-definition cameras and satellite imagery. These models must accurately identify wildfire smoke and flames, often in challenging conditions such as poor visibility or at night. This real-time processing capability is crucial for early detection and rapid response, demonstrating the practical power of AI in life-saving applications.

One of the most compelling aspects of working with AI at Pano is the continuous improvement cycle inherent in machine learning. As our systems collect more data and our models learn from real-world inputs, their accuracy and reliability improve. This iterative process of training, testing, and refining models ensures that our AI capabilities evolve and adapt, staying ahead of emerging challenges. This dynamic environment keeps the work intellectually stimulating and professionally rewarding, as there is always a new problem to solve or a model to enhance.

Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of AI projects means that I collaborate with experts from various fields, including data science, engineering, and emergency management. This diversity of perspectives enriches the problem-solving process and leads to more innovative solutions. For instance, integrating AI with cloud-based software enables us to provide real-time alerts and actionable intelligence to firefighters and emergency responders. This not only showcases the versatility of AI but also its profound impact when combined with other advanced technologies.

At Pano, I am privileged to be at the forefront of this technological revolution, applying AI to protect lives and the environment from the devastating impacts of wildfires. This work not only leverages my skills and passions but also aligns with my broader mission to make a positive and lasting impact on the world.

A Unique Opportunity

Over the years, numerous organizations have approached me with offers to be their head of product or founding product leader.

My expertise in product management, honed through years of leading successful teams and delivering impactful products, naturally meant that I would show up on the radar of PM headhunters. After all, my career journey includes shipping 10+ multi-million dollar products, driving multiple successful exits, and coaching 7,000+ product managers.

Many of these organizations recognized my ability to blend strategic vision with operational excellence. They saw value in my approach to product management, which emphasizes not only delivering high-quality products but also fostering a culture of psychological safety, compassionate innovation, and continuous improvement.

However, despite these fantastic opportunities, I turned them down. 

Pano represents a unique convergence of my passions and professional goals. The opportunity to work on cutting-edge AI technologies in the climate tech space, under the leadership of a dear friend and mentor like Javi, was unparalleled. The alignment with Pano's mission to make a tangible impact on wildfire management resonated deeply with me. It was this perfect alignment of professional challenge, meaningful impact, and personal connection that made Pano the ideal choice for my return to full-time product management.

The recognition and awards I have received over the years have been affirmations of my contributions to the field of product management. While these accolades are gratifying, what truly drives me is the opportunity to work on meaningful initiatives with a lasting impact. At Pano, I see the potential to leverage my skills and experiences to not only advance the company's mission but also to contribute to a cause that I am deeply passionate about.

Becoming a Better PM Educator

Returning to a full-time product management role at Pano enriches my work as an educator. By actively working as an individual contributor on the front lines, I stay current with new processes, technologies, and challenges, ensuring that I can offer the most up-to-date and relevant insights to my mentees.

By actively testing and refining the methods I teach, I provide first-person examples and experiences, strengthening the wealth of knowledge I share with aspiring and experienced product managers alike.

As an example, during the weekends, I serve as a coach and advisor to the product team at GiveDirectly. GiveDirectly is an organization that sends money directly to people living in poverty, with no strings attached. The simplicity and effectiveness of their approach have shown significant impacts on recipients' lives, providing them with the financial freedom to address their immediate needs and invest in their futures. 

Historically, GiveDirectly leveraged technical program management to establish cash transfer capabilities in different countries, with each country having its own dedicated project and code base. This method, while historically effective, posed challenges for long-term scalability and repeatability.

I support GiveDirectly in their transformation from program management to product management, focusing on driving scalability and repeatability. By implementing robust product management practices, we aim to create a more streamlined and efficient framework for launching and managing cash transfer programs across various regions. This shift empowers GiveDirectly to scale their operations more effectively, ensuring that their impactful work can reach even more people in need.

As another example, in my spare time outside of work, I provide career guidance to seasoned product managers through 80K Hours. 80K Hours is an effective altruism nonprofit that seeks to amplify the altruistic impact of high-performing talent. They provide career advice and resources to help individuals maximize the positive impact of their careers. Through this organization, I have the opportunity to mentor seasoned product managers, guiding them on how to leverage their skills and experiences to create substantial social impact.

Using my direct knowledge as a full-time product manager, I offer practical, real-world advice that is rooted in the day-to-day challenges and triumphs of the role. This includes insights into managing teams, navigating organizational structures, and driving product innovation, all with an eye towards maximizing social good. My hands-on experience ensures that the guidance I provide is not only theoretical but also practical and actionable.

Transitioning from PM to Founder and Back

It’s not uncommon for product managers to transition into founder roles, and vice versa. The skill sets required for both roles overlap significantly, including strategic thinking, leadership, and a deep understanding of product development. My journey from PM to founder and now back to PM has provided me with a rich tapestry of experiences that I bring to my current role.

As a founder, I honed my skills in building and scaling a business from the ground up, managing everything from product development to fundraising and operations. These experiences have made me a more well-rounded product manager, capable of understanding and addressing the broader business implications of product decisions.

While I am deeply excited about this next chapter of my career as a full-time PM (likely for many years and potentially multiple decades), I am not ruling out future opportunities to launch new ventures with talented cofounders. When the time is right, I am confident that the skills and experiences I am currently gaining will serve me well in the future.

My core philosophy is “to help as many people as possible live better, happier, and healthier lives.” This principle has guided every major career decision I’ve made.

Right now, the best way for me to execute against my philosophy is to become a full-time PM in a neglected opportunity space, where I can drive significant global impact through technological solutions.

At Pano, I am working on initiatives that have the potential to save lives and protect the environment from the devastating effects of wildfires, satisfying my desire to work on urgent human problems at global scale. My role empowers me to leverage my skills and experiences to drive real-world impact, fulfilling my goal of helping as many people as possible.

Closing Thoughts

My return to full-time product management is driven by a confluence of professional relationships, a passion for climate tech, and the exciting potential of AI. Pano offers a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on one of the most pressing issues of our time while allowing me to continue growing and contributing as both a product manager and an educator.

In this role, I am not only contributing to the fight against wildfires but also leveraging my experiences to advise organizations like GiveDirectly and mentor seasoned product managers through 80K Hours. This multi-faceted approach to my career ensures that I am maximizing my impact, staying true to my philosophy of helping as many people as possible.

Returning to full-time product management has been a deeply fulfilling decision, allowing me to stay at the forefront of technological advancements while driving meaningful change.

That doesn’t mean that I’m stopping the work that we do here at Product Teacher. I’ll continue to run our free weekly newsletter to share actionable resources, and I’ll continue to write free in-depth guides on the craft of product management. And, all of our award-winning video programs will still be available for talented product people looking to accelerate their trajectories.

Thank you for continuing to support our mission at Product Teacher to make product management easier for everyone! Here’s to many more years together as a community dedicated to the hard work of creating excellent product management education.


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