Mobilizing for Net-Zero Emissions

As the founder and CEO of Product Teacher, I've always been passionate about empowering product managers to drive positive change. But my commitment to making an impact extends beyond the realm of product management. I firmly believe that businesses have a moral obligation to advocate for policies that will create a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future for all. Climate change poses an existential threat to our planet, and we must act now to avoid the most catastrophic consequences.

That's why I recently signed the "Fossil to Clean" open letter on behalf of Product Teacher, joining forces with 200+ companies representing $1.5+ trillion in annual revenue. Together, we are urging governments to take bold, decisive action to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels and towards a clean energy future.

The science is unequivocal – we are in the midst of a climate crisis. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that we have less than a decade to halve global emissions if we hope to limit warming to 1.5°C and prevent the most devastating impacts of climate change.

This isn't just an environmental issue – it's a matter of justice. The communities least responsible for the climate crisis, particularly those in the Global South, are already bearing the brunt of its effects, from rising sea levels to more frequent and intense natural disasters.

At COP28, governments took a step in the right direction with the UAE Consensus, committing to triple renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency improvements by 2030. But we need to see these pledges translated into concrete policies, targets, and timelines. We need a clear roadmap for phasing out fossil fuels and scaling up clean energy solutions.

As a leader in the tech industry, I've seen firsthand the incredible potential for innovation to drive the net-zero transition. Companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are investing billions in renewable energy, setting ambitious emissions reduction targets, and developing cutting-edge cleantech solutions. The economic case for climate action is compelling – research shows that the transition to a green economy could boost global GDP by 4% by 2030, creating millions of new jobs and opportunities.

It's not just major tech giants leading the way - innovative startups are also playing a crucial role in fighting climate change. As an example, Pano uses AI and computer vision to rapidly detect wildfires. Startups like Pano are developing game-changing solutions to mitigate climate risks. By harnessing the power of technology, these startups are protecting lives, property, and ecosystems. But to scale their impact, they need supportive policies and investment from governments. Policymakers must create an enabling environment for climate tech innovation, through targeted R&D funding, accelerator programs, and market incentives.

While it’s exciting to see so much momentum in the private sector, I strongly believe that we can’t do it alone. We need governments to step up and create the enabling environment for businesses to invest and innovate.

This means implementing policies like carbon pricing, eliminating fossil fuel subsidies, and providing targeted support for research and development. It also means ensuring a just transition for workers and communities currently dependent on the fossil fuel industry, and providing finance and capacity-building support for developing countries to leapfrog to clean energy.

By signing the "Fossil to Clean" letter, I'm adding my voice to the growing chorus of businesses calling for transformative climate action. We need the G7, G20, and COP to deliver strong policies and commitments that give companies the confidence to accelerate their own net-zero strategies.

At Product Teacher, we're not just talking the talk – we're walking the walk. We've set emissions reduction targets, invested in energy efficiency, and integrated sustainability into our core business strategy. But we know that individual corporate actions, while important, are not enough. We need system-wide change, and that requires bold government leadership.

The window for limiting warming to 1.5°C is rapidly closing. The decisions we make in the next few years will determine the future of our planet and our species for generations to come. We simply cannot afford to continue with business as usual.

To my fellow business leaders and my fellow product practitioners, I urge you to join us in advocating for ambitious climate policy. Sign the "Fossil to Clean" letter before the June 6 deadline for the G7 Summit. Use your voice and influence to push for the policies and investments we need to accelerate the net-zero transition. 

To policymakers, I ask you to listen to the growing calls from the business community, civil society, and the public at large. We need you to be courageous and visionary in your leadership. Seize the opportunities of the green economy, and create a policy environment that rewards sustainability and innovation. 

Even if you’re not working in product management or in government, you have a role to play as well! Make your voice heard. Hold your elected officials accountable. Support companies and organizations that are leading the way on sustainability. Make climate-conscious choices in your own life.

The road ahead will be challenging, but I am hopeful. Around the world, we are seeing a groundswell of climate action, from the boardroom to the streets. Businesses, investors, governments, and citizens are waking up to the reality of the crisis, and the incredible opportunities of the net-zero transition.

At Product Teacher, we're committed to being part of the solution. We will continue to push for ambitious climate action, and to empower product managers with the skills and knowledge they need to drive sustainability and resilience.

Together, we can build a thriving, equitable, and sustainable future for all. The age of fossil fuels is coming to an end - let's unite to accelerate a new era of opportunity and resilience. The time for action is now.


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